More and better health services in Selly Oak
More and better health services in Selly Oak
Our area is fortunate to be on the doorstep of a fantastic asset in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. But it’s still important to have local health facilities available for communities right across South Birmingham.
That’s why the new Community Diagnostic Centre at the Maypole will be so important.
Providing access to faster diagnostic services, helping to identify and treat illnesses quicker so people can stay healthy for longer. After the project had been delayed, Cllr Adam Higgs and I managed to find out the new opening date of Spring 2025 from health authorities. We will do all we can to hold them to account to make sure the CDC is delivered at the new promised date.
This new centre is crucial for health services in our area. So, if elected, one of my first actions will be to get all stakeholders round the table to ensure there are no further delays. Making sure that dialogue between the parties continues at pace, and getting this facility open as quickly as possible so it can serve our communities.
What’s more is that a Conservative Government will shift health care even closer to local communities by expanding Pharmacy First, which will free up 20 million GP appointments per year across the whole country.
The expansion will cover services for menopause support, contraception and treatment for chest infections. This means lots more people can access the medicine they need without having to go through the hassle of booking a GP appointment, and that will free up more appointments for people who need to see a GP.
This is all on top of Conservative plans to recruit 92,000 more nurses and 28,000 more doctors compared to 2023 by 2029.
So, on 4th July your choice will be between our plan for services in our area, or Labour’s unfunded commitments that won’t deliver for local communities like ours whilst costing every household a small fortune more in tax.